Individual Therapy
When you are always the caretaker for everyone else, who gives space for you? We do. You try and balance all of your responsibilities each day and still feel like you are not getting it right. You deserve the safe space to be heard and validated. You deserve to find your truest, most authentic SELF. You deserve to honor the true gifts and internal strength inside of you. We will help you heal your past, and empower you for your present and future! You deserve to feel positive, confident and fulfilled! You can feel fulfilled AND take care of your loved ones too.
Anxiety and stress is the number one reason seek therapy treatment.
Our lives can feel overwhelming in balancing all of our responsibilities. We want to be the best in all roles in our lives, and can often feel that we are failing all of the time.
We often feel that if we are always doing, producing, and getting things done, that we will be safe in our roles. We feel that our loved ones' happiness and needs are OUR happiness. We feel that we are never getting everything done to the expectation of others or ourselves.
We understand how hard this can be.
The brain is meant to remember the negative, and this creates narratives that we believe in how to navigate all aspects of our lives, and to stay safe for ourselves. These narratives are not always correct. In fact, they are often incorrect. We will help you rewrite your own narrative, and trust in yourself. We will help you heal these past wounds, and empower you to navigate your life from a confident, positive mindset. We all have gifts that we want to give to the world and we can best do this when we are true in ourselves.
Some of our specialties are:
Anxiety & Stress
Confidence & Self Esteem
Highly Sensitive
Life Transitions